
Mesh / Icosphere


An Icosphere is created by iterativly splitting the faces of an Icosahedron. The main selling point of icospheres is that their distributions of points are more uniform than a UV sphere.


#pragma once

#include "glm/vec2.hpp"
#include "glm/vec3.hpp"
#include "glm/geometric.hpp"
#include <vector>

using namespace glm;

struct Icosphere {
	std::vector<int> index;
	std::vector<vec3> pos;
	std::vector<vec2> uvs;

Icosphere MakeIcosphere(int resolution);


#include "icosphere.h"
#include <unordered_map>

static const float Z = (1.0f + sqrt(5.0f)) / 2.0f; // Golden ratio
static const vec2 UV = vec2(1 / 11.0f, 1 / 3.0f); // The UV coordinates are laid out in a 11x3 grid

static const int IcoVertexCount = 22;
static const int IcoIndexCount = 60;
static const vec3 IcoVerts[] = {
	vec3( 0, -1, -Z), vec3(-1, -Z,  0), vec3( Z,  0, -1), vec3( 1, -Z,  0),
	vec3( 1,  Z,  0), vec3(-1, -Z,  0), vec3( Z,  0,  1), vec3( 0, -1,  Z),
	vec3( 1,  Z,  0), vec3(-1, -Z,  0), vec3( 0,  1,  Z), vec3(-Z,  0,  1),
	vec3( 1,  Z,  0), vec3(-1, -Z,  0), vec3(-1,  Z,  0), vec3(-Z,  0, -1),
	vec3( 1,  Z,  0), vec3(-1, -Z,  0), vec3( 0,  1, -Z), vec3( 0, -1, -Z), 
	vec3( 1,  Z,  0), vec3( Z,  0, -1) 

static const vec2 IcoUvs[] = {
	UV * vec2( 0, 1), //  0
	UV * vec2( 1, 0), //  1
	UV * vec2( 1, 2), //  2  //
	UV * vec2( 2, 1), //  3  // Vertices & UVs are ordered by U then V coordinates,
	UV * vec2( 2, 3), //  4  //
	UV * vec2( 3, 0), //  5  //        4     8    12    16    20
	UV * vec2( 3, 2), //  6  //      /  \  /  \  /  \  /  \  /  \ 
	UV * vec2( 4, 1), //  7  //     2---- 6----10----14----18----21
	UV * vec2( 4, 3), //  8  //   /  \  /  \  /  \  /  \  /  \  /
	UV * vec2( 5, 0), //  9  //  0---- 3---- 7----11----15----19
	UV * vec2( 5, 2), // 10  //   \  /  \  /  \  /  \  /  \  /
	UV * vec2( 6, 1), // 11  //     1     5     9    13    17
	UV * vec2( 6, 3), // 12  //
	UV * vec2( 7, 0), // 13  // [4, 8, 12, 16, 20] have the same position
	UV * vec2( 7, 2), // 14  // [1, 5, 9, 13, 17]  have the same position
	UV * vec2( 8, 1), // 15  // [0, 19]            have the same position
	UV * vec2( 8, 3), // 16  // [2, 21]            have the same position
	UV * vec2( 9, 0), // 17  // 
	UV * vec2( 9, 2), // 18
	UV * vec2(10, 1), // 19
	UV * vec2(10, 3), // 20
	UV * vec2(11, 2)  // 21
static const int IcoIndex[] = {
	 2,  6,  4, // Top
	 6, 10,  8,
	10, 14, 12,
	14, 18, 16,
	18, 21, 20,

	 0,  3,  2, // Middle
	 2,  3,  6,
	 3,  7,  6,
	 6,  7, 10,
	 7, 11, 10,
	10, 11, 14,
	11, 15, 14,
	14, 15, 18,
	15, 19, 18,
	18, 19, 21,

	 0,  1,  3, // Bottom
	 3,  5,  7,
	 7,  9, 11,
	11, 13, 15,
	15, 17, 19

Icosphere MakeIcosphere(int resolution) {
	// For each resolution, every triangle is subdivided and replaced with 4 new triangles.
	// Most of the vertices are shared between triangles, so an index is also generated.
	// The number of vertices and indices for a given resolution can be calculated by using a geometric series.
	// Example:
	//     *-------*               *---*---*
	//    / \     /               / \ / \ /
	//   /   \   /    ------->   *---*---*
	//  /     \ /               / \ / \ /
	// *-------*               *---*---*
	const int rn = (int)pow(4, resolution);
	const int totalIndexCount = IcoIndexCount * rn;
	const int totalVertexCount = IcoVertexCount + IcoIndexCount * (1 - rn) / (1 - 4);

	Icosphere sphere;

	for (int i = 0; i < IcoVertexCount; i++) {  // Copy in initial mesh
		sphere.pos[i] = IcoVerts[i];
		sphere.uvs[i] = IcoUvs[i];

	for (int i = 0; i < IcoIndexCount; i++) {
		sphere.index[i] = IcoIndex[i];
	int currentIndexCount = IcoIndexCount;
	int currentVertCount = IcoVertexCount;

	for (int r = 0; r < resolution; r++) {
		// Now split the triangles.
		// This can be done in place, but needs to keep track of the unique triangles
		//     i+2                 i+2
		//    /   \               /  \
		//   /     \    ---->   m2----m1
		//  /       \          /  \  /  \
		// i---------i+1      i----m0----i+1
		std::unordered_map<uint64_t, int> triangleFromEdge;
		int indexCount = currentIndexCount;

		for (int t = 0; t < indexCount; t += 3) {
			int midpoints[3] = {};

			for (int e = 0; e < 3; e++) {
				int first = sphere.index[t + e];
				int second = sphere.index[t + (t + e + 1) % 3];

				if (first > second) {
					std::swap(first, second);

				uint64_t hash = (uint64_t)first | (uint64_t)second << (sizeof(uint32_t) * 8);

				auto [triangle, wasNewEdge] = triangleFromEdge.insert({ hash, currentVertCount });

				if (wasNewEdge) {
					sphere.pos[currentVertCount] = (sphere.pos[first] + sphere.pos[second]) / 2.0f;
					sphere.uvs[currentVertCount] = (sphere.uvs[first] + sphere.uvs[second]) / 2.0f;

					currentVertCount += 1;

				midpoints[e] = triangle->second;

			int mid0 = midpoints[0];
			int mid1 = midpoints[1];
			int mid2 = midpoints[2];

			sphere.index[currentIndexCount++] = sphere.index[t];
			sphere.index[currentIndexCount++] = mid0;
			sphere.index[currentIndexCount++] = mid2;

			sphere.index[currentIndexCount++] = sphere.index[t + 1];
			sphere.index[currentIndexCount++] = mid1;
			sphere.index[currentIndexCount++] = mid0;

			sphere.index[currentIndexCount++] = sphere.index[t + 2];
			sphere.index[currentIndexCount++] = mid2;
			sphere.index[currentIndexCount++] = mid1;

			sphere.index[t]     = mid0; // Overwrite the original triangle with the 4th new triangle
			sphere.index[t + 1] = mid1;
			sphere.index[t + 2] = mid2;

	// Normalize all the positions to create the sphere

	for (vec3& pos : sphere.pos) {
		pos = normalize(pos);

	return sphere;